Monday, June 17, 2019

WIP, TBR & News

The Bronte Sisters by Nancy A. Bekofske
I believe I have finished the Bronte Sisters quilt, latest in my series of Literary Quilts. I keep wondering about more embellishment. The Jane Sassaman fabrics were perfect for my vision of these writers.

I am playing with fabrics from Jane Sassaman I found at Tuesday Morning.

A quilter can find color inspiration ANYWHERE. I made my husband stop the TV so I could get a pic of Edgar Standish's sweater worn on Whiskey Cavalier. We loved the series Chuck and this show reminded us of that one. I loved that color combo. I found these Kona cotton fabrics that matched just great! Now to play...
The Standish Sweater and Kona Cottons
I brought in spring quilts to show and tell at the weekly quilt group and they were snapped up for display this month at our local library.
Stained Glass flowers from an unfinished block of the month quilt by Nancy A. Bekofske

Morning Glory was a Quiltmaker magazine pattern. Made by Nancy A. Bekofske
I won some book swag for reviewing Gold Digger: The Remarkable Story of Baby Doe Tabor by Rebecca Rosenberg! Find my review here.
I received a Goodreads win, Lisa Genova's Every Note Played. It is shown against the center of an early Handkerchief Quilt I made with Lizst's Liebestraume!

I am LOADED with review books!

Reading now:
  • This Tender Land by William Kent Kreuger 
  • Kopp Sisters On The March by Amy Stewart

Books still to come in my mailbox include
  • The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen, YA book that was an instant #2 on the NYT best sellers, from David Abram's fantastic blog The Quivering Pen 
  • Inland by Tea' Obreht reimagines the Old West, from LibraryThing
  • Archeology From Space: How the Future Shapes Our Past by Sarah Parcak, from LibraryThing

On my Edelweiss TBR shelves:
  • Cesare: A Novel of War-Torn Berlin by Jerome Charyn 
  • Cold Warriors: Writers Who Waged the Literary Cold War by Duncan White 

On my NetGalley TBR shelves:
  • Why We Quilt by Thomas Knauer 
  • The Vexations by Caitlin Horrocks fiction about Erik Satie
  • The Long Call by Anne Cleeves by the author of Vera and Shetland
  • The Violent Century by Lavie Tidhar author of Central Station and Unholy Land
  • The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal set during the 1850 Great Exhibition
  • A Polar Affair by Lord Spencer Davis who was with the Scott expedition and studied penguins
  • Inventing Tomorrow: H. G. Wells and the 20th Century by Sarah Cole
  • Broke by Jodie Adams Kirshner about Detroiters after the city's bankruptcy
  • The Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols by Nicholas Meyer, author of Sherlock Holmes continuations including The 7% Solution
  • The Book of Science and Antiquities by Thomas Keneally who wrote Schindler's List
  • The Women of Copper Country by Mary Doria Russell set in Calumet, MI
  • Out of Darkness Shining Light by Petina Gappah about the last days of David Livingston in Africa
And a win from Breathless, Bubbles & Books Facebook Group
  • Wickwythe Hall by Judithe Little, WWII fiction inspired by real events
A new friend at our weekly quilt group showed us these gorgeous Hexie blocks made with vintage embroidered textiles! Way to go, Tammy!
Tammy's vintage embroidery hexies
On the quilt group free table I found a 1982 Quilt magazine with this article on a Charlie Harper quilt designed for a woman's group near Cincinnati Ohio. I shared on the Facebook group Quilts-Vintage and Antique and several people remembered this quilt and one even made a block. I have contacted the woman's group to see if they have any information in their records. Or...a pattern...
Cardinal Carnival Quilt designed by Charlie Harper
for the Montgomery Woman's Club Quilters

Our garden is blooming profusely because we had rain almost every day last month.
We had a landscaping company install the front garden last year. Bush roses, geranium, and hydrangea are blooming.

A section of the garden that floods was a perfect place for these iris.

The white rose was here, perhaps planted by my mother.

 The red rose bush was my husband's addition.
A squirrel was climbing my window!

We have a momma bunny in the yard. 
Now and then we see little bunny ears above the door wall to the patio.
A few days ago we puppysat our grandpuppy Ellie. She spooked up the baby bunny, which gave her a grand chase before ducking behind the garage, a temporary fence keeping Ellie out. Ellie was very excited. The baby was back the next day.
Ellie_theShibaInu has her own Instagram account
Today is a special 47th anniversary!
No photo description available.
My 1972 wedding photo

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Northanger Abbey by Val McDermit

Just for fun, I read Val McDermid's recreation of Northanger Abbey, written as part of the 2014 Austen Project. I thought McDermid did a good job of updating the novel. I found the adaptation to be enjoyable and fun, a quick read.

Cat, as she preferred to be known--on the basis that nobody should emergy from their teens with the name their parents had chosen--had been disappointed by her life for as long as she could remember. Her family were, in her eyes, deeply average and desperately dull.~ from Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid

Cat (Catherine Morland) is a clergyman's daughter who has been homeschooled and overprotected. When her neighbors the Allens invite her to accompany them on their annual trip to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival, it is the first time Cat has been away from home.

Mrs Allen runs into an old school friend, Maria Thorpe. The Thorpe children take Cat up, Bella instantly her becoming best friend and John her unwanted suitor. But Cat has also met young lawyer Henry Tilney and becomes besotted with him. And she admires Henry's sister Ellie and hopes to become closer friends with her. Cat is naive, natural and transparent, full of youthful idealism and joy in the discovery of the new and different, characteristics that make the Tilney siblings warm to her.

I thought McDermit did a good job updating the young people's culture. Bella and Cat are constantly Instant Messaging and the Tilneys play video games.

All of the classic Austen scenes are to be found including the discussion on novels as a vehicle for understanding human nature. Austen's original discussion of the word 'nice' (originally meaning fastidious) which became slang for agreeable becomes a discussion about the modern altering use of the word 'cool'. The discussion of the reading of novels and history has Cat admitting "I love novels that transport me into their world," mentioning her childhood love for Harry Potter and the Narnia books and noted her most recent reads were Dracula and The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde.

Cat finds that Northanger Abbey has mostly been modernized and redecorated in Scandinavian decor. But Cat's first view of the red sandstone building felt familiar, "similar to that of the parish church in Piddle Dummer, where her father held evening services every other Sunday." Then McDermid ads, "The only things missing were the parish noticeboard and the Oxfam posters." I loved these clever comments throughout the story.

Cat's reading obsession is vampire novels and it does seem unlikely a contemporary 17-year-old could actually consider vampires a reality. Henry Tilney, an insightful lawyer, too quickly zeros in on the motivation behind Cat's curiosity about his mother.

I enjoyed reading this reimagining of Austen's novel.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Helen Korngold Diary: June 9-15, 1919

Helen Korngold Senior Photo 1919 Hatchet Yearbook for Washington University
This year I am sharing the 1919 diary of Helen Korngold of St. Louis, MO. Helen graduated from Washington University.

Helen was on the girl's Hockey team as goal
Helen's Junior year Hockey team photo

Helen was a member of the Deutsher Verein Club at Washington University

Monday 9
Junior – Senior Luncheon. May Day Rehearsal.

Tuesday 10
May Day

Wednesday 11
Pilgrimage. Geology Luncheon. Fixed up my clothes – got some new dresses – my white is simply beautiful.

Thursday 12
Commencement – it was wonderful, but oh, so hot. Commencement Luncheon – home. Satellites Banquet at Elks – Went with Bill Weiser. After a marvelous time – Clara Marx, Hymen Stein, Bill & I went joy riding! Swell.

Friday 13
All tired out – slept all afternoon.

Saturday 14
East St Louis – not much success

Sunday 15
Valley Park with Clarence Hirsch. Swimming in morning – canoeing in afternoon – canoeing, dancing & talking in evening. Had a wonderful time, but all tired out.


June 10
May Day celebrations were finally held, delayed because of the weather.
June 11
The Pilgrimage was one of the annual Senior Graduation week activities at Washington University.

White embroidered dresses were all the rage.
St. Louis Star ad, June 13, 1919
June 12, 1919 St. Louis Post-Dispatch story
June 12 Commencement Day
According to the 1919 Washington University Record, the commencement took place at 10 o'clock in Francis Auditorium. A procession formed at Graham Memorial Chapel and proceeded to the auditorium. Helen was one of 71 graduates to receive a Bachelor of Arts.


William Joseph Wieser, born May 18, 1898 in St. Louis, appears on the 1917 St. Louis City Directory as a student residing on Eaton Ave. with his father Eugene whose business was ‘hardware.’ His WWI Draft Registration shows he was a student at St. Louis University, born May 20, 1888, and that he was short, of medium build with brown hair and eyes. The 1920 St. Louis Census shows his father was German, born in Austria, 63 years old, and was a retail merchant in hardware, married to Hattie, age 63, of German descent. Their son William J., age 21, worked as a bookkeeper in the telephone office. The 1910 St. Louis Census shows a daughter Rose, age 21, born in Illinois. Also living with them was Julia Levine, mother-in-law, was aged 86.

The 1930 St. Louis Census shows William was the head of household, working in collections, and living with his 76-year-old widowed mother and divorced sister Rose Lachman who was working as a commercial secretary. William shows up in the 1940 City directory married to Elizabeth and working as an inspector. William died on February 24, 1984, in Los Angeles, CA.

Hyman Stein could be one of several possible appearing in St. Louis records. One was born in England and was a porter for a printing company in 1930, married to Bertha and father to 4-year-old Sarah. Hyman G. Stein was born in Georgia in 1895 and shows up in the 1930 St. Louis City Directory and Census as a lawyer. He died in 1962 in MO. Another is buried in B’nai Amoona cemetery, born October 1898 and died in January of 1978.

June 15

Valley Park was a summer resort on the Meramec River at the southern boundary of St. Louis. It offered outdoor activities including swimming, horseback riding, paddling, and fishing. There were 88 trains a day bringing people to the resort at the time of Helen’s diary but was a day trip for automobiliers in St. Louis.

Helen's senior photo notes she was on the rowing team.

June 1919 story on women's bathing costumes

Clarence Hirsch could be one of several people in the St. Louis records.

Clarence son of Arthur, who was a salesman, was a clerk on the 1915 St. Louis City Directory. Clarence Adoph was the V.P. of Hirsch Distilling Co. on the 1919 City Directory, while Clarence E. appears as V.P. of Hirsch Co.

Clarence Hirsch on the 1920 St Louis Census lived with his widowed mother Sarah and family and worked as a salesman in ready-to-wear. He was 20 years old. His WWI draft card shows he was born in Tennessee in September 1896 and was of medium height and build with brown eyes and dark hair. The 1910 St Louis Census shows him living with his father Bernard, who was a merchant of shoes. Bernard was of Austrian German heritage who immigrated to America in 1880. Clarence died in Oct 1977 in St Louis.
Uncle Wiggly characters were introduced to children in a coloring contest in the St. Louis Star on June 13, 1919.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

"We lose ourselves...but we find our way back." from Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner is an emotional roller coaster about Baby Boomer sisters Jo and Bethie. Pop culture and political landmarks set the novel in specific times and places, beginning in 1950s Detroit. When their father suddenly dies, their mother Sarah struggles on her own, finding affordable housing and a job at Hudson's.

Jo was the rebel, resisting girly dress and activities and early becoming involved in Civil Rights protests. She also falls in love with her best friend Lynnette. Lynnette buckles under social pressure unable to accept her sexual orientation.

Younger sister Bethie was always the perfect Jewish middle-class girl, her mother's favorite. She becomes a victim of sexual abuse and begins to alternately binge eat and starve herself. She is in a school play with Harold, who is African American, but they do not act on their mutual attraction.

Jo goes away to the University of Michigan, meeting the love of her life, Shelley. Bethie comes to visit where she is picked up by an older, drug-dealing, man who turns her onto drugs and sex, beginning a long spiral of bad choices.

When Shelley elects to marry, Jo is devastated and allows a man to woo and marry her. She loves being a mom, but as the children grow so does the distance between Jo and her husband until he betrays and leaves her.

Passivity allows bad choices to take the sisters further from their true selves while misunderstanding and anger drive a wedge between them. Meanwhile, Jo's three girls grow up and her youngest, Lila, makes her own series of bad choices.

Their stories become a synopsis of women's history from the 50s housewives to the women who juggle career and family to the last question of what kind of death to choose.

As entertaining as the book was, for a long time I was not sure what its purpose was until near the end of the story when Jo summarizes a woman's struggle between expectations and self-fulfillment, how we find ourselves far from our deepest truths and struggle to come home again.

I was offered a free ebook from the publisher through NetGalley. My review is fair and unbiased.

Read an excerpt at

Mrs. Everything
by Jennifer Weiner
Atria Books
Pub Date 11 Jun 2019 
ISBN: 9781501133480
PRICE: $28.00 (USD)

Note: The story takes place almost parallel to my own life and the cultural references were a trip down memory lane. We moved to the Detroit area in 1963 and I enjoyed all the references to the places and stores and radio stations mentioned. But...I take issue with one thing in the book--The sisters go to Suzy Q's for burgers. Burgers! It was known for its chicken! Why would they go there for burgers!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Indianapolis Star 1930 Quit Contest Patterns and a Family Mystery

Vintage newspaper quilt block patterns took me researching a quilt contest and a family mystery.

The Quilt Block Patterns

A member of my weekly quilt group is moving and downsizing. Among the things Karen brought to the free table was a package of envelopes with quilt block templates. My savvy lady friends quickly set it aside for me!

The patterns had belonged to Karen's friend Delphine (Del) Theman.

The patterns were shared in the Indianapolis Star in 1939 as part of their second Quilt Contest. I quickly recognized the patterns as by Ruby McKim.
November 16 ad for the Quilt Contest in the Indianapolis Star
The contest had a total of $275 in prizes! First prize won $50, second, $30, third prize, $20. There were five $10 prizes, ten $7.50 prizes, and ten $5 prizes. Ladies sent their completed quilts to the Quilt Contest Department at the Indianapolis Star.
Envelope holding quilt block pattern

Each envelope had the quilt block on the front and was noted by name and by number.

Inside each envelope were the original article and the original pattern, cut apart. I found the pattern in, seen below.

the November 20, 1930, article in the Indianapolis Star
She made another pattern which included seam allowances for cutting.

You can see in the photo above the pattern piece cut from the newspaper article and the hnd made pattern piece made with seam allowance added.

Also with the group was an illustration of the blocks in a quilt pattern layout with quilting motifs noted. The illustration was later hand penciled to enhance the illustration.

The block patterns included:

  • Cherry Basket
  • Bear's Paw
  • Sunbeam
  • Double T
  • Crazy Ann
  • Noon Day Lily
  • Old Corn & Bean
  • The Rising Sun
  • Grandmother's Cross
  • Rambler
  • Mill Wheel
  • The Skyrocket
  • The Weather Vane
  • Spool or Jenny Lind
  • Double Nine Patch
  • Wild Goose Chase
  • The Strawberry
  • V-Block
  • Crosses & Losses
  • Grandmother's Fan
  • Road to Oklahoma
  • Hickory Leaf
  • Road to California
  • The Palm Leaf
  • Little Beech Tree

Here you can see the backside of the newspaper patterns.

And the paper patterns including seam allowance that she made for cutting the fabric.

Over 400 quilts were entered into the contest!

April 1, 1930, Indianapolis Star article

April 3, 1930, Indianapolis Star article


The Mystery

I researched Del on It quickly became obvious that in 1930 Del was only ten years old and she was not the collector and preserver of these patterns! Did her mother make the quilt? Did she inherit or obtain the patterns from someone outside of her immediate family?

I researched Del's family tree to see if I could garner any clues.

Del was born in Penzance, Cornwall, England on January 1, 1920, and died April 20, 2008, in Michigan. When Del was four years old she immigrated on the Melita, arriving in Quebec with her mother Emily Rosina James (age 24) and sisters Emily, Eileen Pearl, and Rosina Ellen. Emily Rosina James had been living with her mother Charlotte Standbridge.

Del's father was William Henry James and I found his Petition for Citizenship dated March 21, 1923. The document also noted that his wife Emily arrived in America on April 4, 1925. This proved that William had immigrated before his family and sent money back for their passage. This was how my Grandparents on both sides of my family came to America, the husband crossing first, obtaining work and housing, and then sending for his family.

I learned more about Del's parents.

William was born July 5, 1894, in Cornwall, England. He married Emily on October 26, 1918. Emily was born in Southampton, England on April 5, 1900. At the time of William's petition, his children were listed as Delphine, Eileen (born March 19, 1921), Rosina (born July 25, 1935), who were both noted as being born in England, and Kathleen (born December 12, 1928) born in Detroit, MI.
William Henry James's naturalization petition

William's naturalization record of March 15, 1930, showed William was 5'5" with brown hair and fair skin and weighed 115 pounds. He immigrated to Windsor, Canada, arriving on March 18, 1923, his wife and children still in England.

The 1930 Census shows the family living on Wabash Avenue in Detroit, MI. William was a 'tool man' working for Ford Motor. He became an American citizen in 1922 and Emily was naturalized in 1924. The family appears in the 1940 census as well.

On August 25, 1945, Del married Earl Henry Theman. Earl was 37 years old. His father's name was Ernest Theman. Earl's draft card dated October 16, 1940, showed he was living with his mother Anna Hessell Theman. Earl had a ruddy complexion with brown eyes and hair and was 5'8" tall. He worked for Ford Motor. Earl died on March 31, 1993.

Here was a mystery. The marriage certificate shows the bride's name as Delphine Irene Pegouske!

Karen always remembered Del talking about 'my Johnny." This was clearly not Earl's name.

I did a search for Delphine Irene Pegouske and found a marriage on November 20, 1941, to John Elroy Pegouske, son of William and Lucy Bourrassa Pegouske, 21 years old and living in Dearborn, MI. Witnesses at the wedding were John's brother Everett Pegouske and his wife Emma Leora Phieffer Pegouske.

So, Del was married before and her husband's relatives witnessed her second marriage! It was time to look into Johnny.
John was born June 22, 1916, in Melvindale, Wayne County, Michigan.

"My Johnny" enlisted on October 16, 1940. He was 24 years old, 5'9" tall with blonde hair, gray eyes, and a light complexion, born on June 21, 1916. He worked for the Thornton Tandem Co. He was an army technician 4th grade and his religion listed as Catholic.

According to his niece who posted on, Johnny died on July 15, 1944, when his truck ran over a hidden land mine in Italy. John was buried in Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial in Nettuno, Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Lazio, Italy.

No wonder that John's family witnessed Delphine's marriage to Earle Theman. They were supporting her to move on from her devastating loss.

Now I was curious about the Pegouske name. It is similar to my married name.  There are many spellings of the name in my husband's family tree.

My husband's grandfather's name was transliterated as Bekofske and his brother's name was transliterated as Pekoske. Gary's father called his family Prussian. My research showed they were Germans who moved into Poland and then into the area now called Ukraine before immigrated to America. Also, the 'e' ending is more usual for Prussian names.

A family tree on shows the Pegouske line going to Frantz (later Frank) Pajatzky (1835-1918) in Germany/Prussia, arriving in America on June 6, 1870. Frantz married Augusta Justine Mandilke (1839-1921).

Franz and Augusta's son William (1876-1946) married Lucy Philomene Bourassa (1881-1929) and they had 15 children including John Elroy who predeceased his father by two years. William was a widower when he died in Eloise, Wayne, Michigan.

William's death in Eloise, Wayne, Michigan rang a bell for me. A few years ago our library book club read Annie's Ghosts by Steve Luxenberg about an unknown relative cloistered away in the Eloise Hospital. What was established as the Eloise Poorhouse became the Eloise Sanitarium or Hospital, at its peak a huge complex, a city in itself. In 1945 it was named the Wayne County General Hospital and Infirmary. People were sent there for many reasons. I don't know if William was ill or had dementia or had no where else to live.

The family name was also transcribed as Pogoska, Pelgotssky, Pagutski, Pegonsky, and finally Pegouske.

My friend Karen never talked to Del about her family history. We still don't know who collected the Sampler Block articles. But I had fun researching all these mysteries!

The first Quilt Contest held by the Indianapolis Star was for Ruby McKim's Flower Garden quilt.

See vintage Ruby McKim sampler quilts at
Quilts-Antique and Vintage
Material Things by Barbara Brackman

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Paris, 7 A.M. by Liz Wieland

On Monday, April 15, Notre-Dame was in flames.
A horrified world watched, joined in tears.

On Tuesday, April 16, during my husband's surgery,
I was in a waiting room
reading Liz Wieland's Paris, 7 A.M.

And I read, "The crazy quilt of languages around Notre-Dame,"
and I read, "The being that will appear will emerge from the guest bedroom
will be hideous, a sort of gargoyle
come down off the sheer facade of Notre-Dame,"
and I read, "In an hour, it's lighting a candle in Notre-Dame,"
and I read, "the great squatting hulk of Notre-Dame,"

while the television in the waiting room aired
photographs and videos of the "great squatting hulk",
the gleam of the cross rising out of the ashes like a beacon.

I have never seen Notre-Dame or Paris or France.
I have not had the luck to have been a traveler.
No memories rushed forward, just sorrow for what was lost.

But the book brought Paris alive for me,
albeit a Paris from long before my birth,
a Paris just before the war,
with intimations of war
quivering in the atmosphere.

The Novel

In 1937, the young poet Elizabeth Bishop and two Vassar friends
traveled to Paris.
For three weeks, Elizabeth did not write in her journal.

Liz Wieland wondered about that silence
and imagined Bishop's life over those missing weeks,
the mysteries she held close and never revealed.

Elizabeth and her friends,
full of youthful optimism
in spite of the disorder on the continent.

Louise of the blue eyes.

Anaphora. Margaret's horrid accident.

And the people they meet,
Sigrid who married for safety,
and the Countess Clara Longworth de Chambrun
who sees in Elizabeth her deceased daughter
who sees in Elizabeth a co-conspirator.

Paris 7 A.M. reflects Bishop's poetic voice, steals her imagery
and the titles of her books of poetry, Easter eggs
left to find in the days before Easter when I was reading.
So many hidden in the paragraphs beyond my ken.

"And then the clocks speak," I read.

The clocks, the time, the water, sailing,
the drinking, the women,
the traveling, and the traveling.

"Why do you travel?" I read. Questions of Travel.
And she answers, "To be free." "To see beauty."

It was coming, people sensed, knew
the world would shift again, war inevitable.
"The world is getting so ugly," I read.
"The swastika, a headless spider," I read.

The Jewish babies, lovingly handed over
by desperate loving mothers
to travel into stranger's arms
to travel into another mother's arms.

Elizabeth's mother could not mother
Elizabeth would never become a mother
Elizabeth was a midwife in the babies rebirth.

Back to the known, Wieland's pen
flirts across the years
touching like a butterfly on a flower
upon Bishop's travels.
Florida. Brazil. America.
Letters from Marianne Moore, Sigrid, Louise.
Sailing with 'Cal' Lowell.
A summation of a life's losses.

And I read,

"Does everybody live such divided lives, Elizabeth wonders: one self moving about the world like all the other million selves, and another that's stuck somewhere behind?"

I received a free ebook from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

Paris, 7 A.M.
by Liza Wieland
Pub Date 11 Jun 2019 
ISBN: 9781501197215
PRICE: $26.99 (USD) hardcover

Quotations are from the advanced reading copy.

I read Wieland's previous novel The Land of Enchantment about an artist who studies under Georgia O'Keefe. Read my review here.