Saturday, October 13, 2018

Up North and Back

This past week we took a trip 'Up North', which is an area in Michigan demarked by an invisible line but which is universally agreed (by Michiganders) to be where there is more wilderness than shopping malls. 

We traveled about four hours from Metro Detroit to Baldwin, in the middle of a state forest. We stayed overnight at the Red Moose Lodge on the Pere Marquette River, perhaps the only visitors not there for the Salmon fishing.
The Pere Marquette River in Baldwin, MI
We spent a few minutes sitting beside the river, from which a fish now and then jumped with a splash.
We dropped off the innards of my husband's Victrolia and Edison Disk Player with the only repairman in the state. I stopped at the Fabric Peddler quilt shop in Baldwin and picked up a panel and matching fabric. My sudden interest in panels is from reviewing Creating Art Quilts with Panels by Joyce Hughes. I can't wait to try her techniques out on these large flowers!
Next, we stopped in Farwell at the Elm Creek craft and garden shop. We bought a patio set of two chairs and a table that fold up. Perfect for our front yard garden! I found another panel I had to get.

At the Surry Road quilt shop in Clare, I bought some fabric for a special project.

We then headed to West Branch where my brother has a log cabin, complete with Indian, outside of town.

The trees were coming into full color when we arrived.
 Every day we headed into town to the West Branch library for the WIFI.
The cozy sitting area in the West Branch library
And of course, we shopped at their fantastic used bookstore. I found some goodies. I had Armor Towle's Rules of Civility on ebook but prefer to read 'real' books. Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann has been on my TBR list, and I have heard a lot about Elena Ferrante's My Brillant Friend, and I love Andrea Barrett's writing. The Val McDermid rewrite of Northanger Abbey just looked like fun. And the William Maxwell stories was on the FREE shelf!

I stopped at Aunt Effie's Craft Closet in downtown West Branch, where I found friendly service and terrific selections.
This wall was just the SALES fabrics! There are tables of fat quarters and precuts and walls of bolds of fabric. They offer machine quilting and classes. One group is working on the Bee-autiful quilt from MODA, which I made last year.

I saw the cutest fabric on sale. I snapped a pic and sent it to my Gamemaster son, who also loved it. So the next day I returned and bought fabric to make him a quilt.
 We also stopped at the wine store.
We had rainy days, and after our daily treks into town, we stayed in the cabin reading books. We ate out for lunch and then had soup for dinner.

At the Lumber Jack restaurant, we had the most delicious bread pudding after a pot roast. The decor is quite Up North, down to the vestibule greeter.

 We love the food at the China Inn.
We hit a few of the antique shops. In the Potato Barn Anqitue Store, I found sheet music for One Meat Ball, a song my mother used to sing! It came out when she was thirteen years old.
I did not know that it was sung by Josh White and was from Cafe Society.

The lyrics go like this:

A little man walked up and down
and found an eating place in town.
He looked the menu thru and thru
To see what fifteen cents could do.
One meat ball, one meat ball, 
He could afford by one mean ball.

He told a waiter near at hand
The simple dinner he had planned,
The folks were startled one and all
To hear that waiter loudly all,
One meat ball, one meat ball,
Hey! This here gent wants one met ball!

The little man felt ill at ease
And said, "Some bread, sir, if you please!"
The waiter's voice roared down the hall,
"You get no bread with one meat ball!
One meat ball, one meat ball,
You get no bread with one meat ball!

The little man felt very bad,
But one meat ball was all he had.
Now in his dreams he hears that call,
"You get no bread with one meat ball,
One meat ball, one meat ball,
You get no bread with one meat ball.

It was very quiet at the cabin, but one day deer ran through the yard. Every day the colors grew more intense.

We bought bread at the bakery in town, successfully avoiding the doughnuts and sticky buns and blueberry pie. Outside, we met the local vet.
South of town, coming off the expressway, one can see the water tower which is painted yellow with a Smiley face, the most popular tourist attraction seen on the road Up North.
The land is hilly with fields and farms and pockets of trees and open land.

While driving we listened to a book on tape, Siracusa by Delia Ephron.

When I got home I had two books waiting for me. One was Haruki Murakami's newest novel, Killing Commendatore-- a surprise package from A. A. Knopf! I must have won some giveaway.

 And Dover Publications sent me My First Book of Sewing, which I requested for review.
I read non-review books while away: Marlena by Julie Buntin while away (review to come!), Stephen Fried's book on restauranteer Fred Harvey, Appetite for America, and started Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann.

While away, NetGalley informed me that I was approved for In the Eye of the Hurricane by Nathaniel Philbrick! I have enjoyed all his books. Also on my NetGalley shelf are All the Lives I Never Lived by Anuradha Roy, The Perilous Adventures of the Cowboy King by Jerome Charyn, Big Bang by David Bowman, and Daughter of Molokai by Alan Brennert. I read Brennert's Honolulu years ago and have Molokai on my Kindle to read before the new book. From Edelweiss I have Learning to See by Elise Hooper.

Also, while away I got the good news that I had won a special Book Club win: A Skype visit with author Wiley Cash to discuss his novel The Last Ballad. My feet were hardly touching the ground for a whole day! WILEY CASH! You can read my reviews on The Last Ballad here, and A Land More Kind Than Home here.

Coming home we drove out of the clouds and into the sunshine! The trees had some color, but mostly we saw green. We stopped for lunch in my husband's hometown, driving by his childhood homes and school.

It was nice to be away for six days, but even nicer to be home again! I have some sewing to do!

WWI Vintage Sheet Music: Mostly Comic Songs About Army Life

Many WWI songs were about the boys leaving home, family and girls, and adjusting to army life. Some are sentimental, but most are comic songs.

They Were All Out of Step But Jim by Irving Berlin, 1918, has a marvelous cover by Barbelle and was sung by Blanche King. Hear it sung by Billy Murray here.
Jimmy's mother went to see her son
Marching along on parade
In his uniform and with his gun
What a lovely picture he made
She came home that evening
Filled up with delight
And to all the neighbors
She would yell with all her might

"Did you see my little Jimmy marching
With the soldiers up the avenue?
There was Jimmy just as stiff as starch
Just like his father on the seventeenth o' March
Did you notice all the lovely ladies
Casting their eyes at him?
Away he went
To live in a tent
Over in France with his regiment
Were you there, and tell me, did you notice?
They were all out of step but Jim"

That night little Jimmy's father stood
Buying the drinks for the crowd
You could tell that he was feeling good
He was talking terribly loud
Twenty times he treated
My, but he was dry
When his glass was empty
He would treat again and cry

There's a Vacant Chair in Every Home Tonight. 1917, by Alfred Bryan and Ernest Breuer, was illustrated by Barbelle. I am sure it brought tears to many a mother. Listen to a recording here.
In ev’ry mansion, ev’ry cottage all throughout the land, 
There’s a mother heart that’s feeling blue. 
Her darling boy is missing, he was gone with sword in hand, 
To make our country safe for me and you. 
In ev’ry mother’s eye there is a tear. 
And on her lips a prayer could you but hear. 

There’s a vacant chair that’s waiting there in ev’ry home tonight. 
And a lonesome mother’s dreaming by the fire burning bright. 
She is thinking of her gallant boy who is fighting for the right. 
There’s a vacant chair in ev’ry home tonight. 

She fondly gazes at his picture hanging on the wall, 
Seems but yesterday he went away. 
Her dear lips keep repeating he’s the bravest boy of all. 
I’m lonely but I’m proud of him today, 
And oft she murmurs to herself alone, 
I hope that I’ll be here when he comes home.


This comedy song makes fun of the Irish. Where Do We Go From Here by Howard Johnson and Percy Wenrich, 1917 was performed by the Klein Brothers. The Klein brothers had a vaudeville act in which one spoke gibberish. Asked what it meant he replied, who cares as long as they laugh? 
I can't identify the illustrator, but it shows a smiling soldier coming through a broken wall with the war behind him. Listen to a recording here.

Pad-dy Mack drove a hack up and down Broad-way,
Pat had one ex-pres-sion and he'd use it ev-'ry day,
An-y time he'd grab a fare, to take them for a ride,
Pad-dy jumped up-on the seat, - cracked his whip and cried:

"Where do we go from here, boys? Where do we go from here?"
An-y-where from Har-lem to a Jer-sey Cit-y pier,
When Pat would spy a pret-ty girl, he'd whis-per in her ear:
"Oh, joy! Oh, boy! Where do we go from here?"

One fine day, on Broad-way, Pat was driv-ing fast,
When the street was blown to pie-ces by a sub-way blast,
Down the hole poor Pad-dy went, a-think-ing of his past,
Then he says, says he, I think these words will be my last:

"Where do we go from here, boys? Where do we go from here?"
Pad-dy's neck was in the wreck, but still he had no fear,
He saw a dead man next to him and whis-pered in his ear:
"Oh, joy! Oh, boy! Where do we go from here?"

First of all, at the call, when the war be-gan,
Pat en-list-ed in the ar-my as a fight-ing man,
When the drills be-gan they'd walk a hun-dred miles a day,
Tho' the rest got tir-ed, Pad-dy al-ways used to say:

"Where do we go from here, boys? Where do we go from here?"
Slip a pill to Kai-ser Bill and make him shed a tear,
And when we see the en-e-my we'll shoot them in the rear,
"Oh, joy! Oh, boy! Where do we go from here?"
It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary is one of the most well known WWI songs. Written by Jack Judge and Harry Williams, 1912, it came out of the British Music Hall. "The Sensational Irish March Song Success" also features Paddy. Listen to a recording by John McCormick here.
Up to mighty London
Came an Irishman one day.
As the streets are paved with gold
Sure, everyone was gay,
Singing songs of Piccadilly,
Strand and Leicester Square,
Till Paddy got excited,
Then he shouted to them there:

It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye, Piccadilly,
Farewell, Leicester Square!
It's a long long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there.

Paddy wrote a letter
To his Irish Molly-O,
Saying, "Should you not receive it,
Write and let me know!"
"If I make mistakes in spelling,
Molly, dear," said he,
"Remember, it's the pen that's bad,
Don't lay the blame on me!"


Molly wrote a neat reply
To Irish Paddy-O,
Saying "Mike Maloney
Wants to marry me, and so
Leave the Strand and Piccadilly
Or you'll be to blame,
For love has fairly drove me silly:
Hoping you're the same!"


A popular Canadian WWI song was K-K-K-Katy, 1918, by Geoffrey O'Hara, Army Song Leader. Hear Billy Murray sing it here. Read about the composer here.
Jimmy was a soldier brave and bold
Katy was a maid with hair of gold
Like an act of fate, Kate was standing at the gate
Watching all the boys file on parade
Kate smiled with a twinkle in her eye
Jim said "M-m-meet you by-and-by!"
That same night at eight
Jim was at the garden gate
Stuttering this song to K-K-K-Kate

K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy
You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore
When the m-m-m-moon shines over the cow shed
I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door

K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy
You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore
When the m-m-m-moon shines over the cow shed
I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door

[Verse 2]
"No one ever looked so nice and neat!"
"No one could be just as cute and sweet!"
That's what Jimmy thought
When the wedding ring he bought
Now he's off to France the foe to meet
Jimmy thought he'd like to take a chance
See if he could make the Kaiser dance
Stepping to a tune all about the silv'ry moon
This is what they hear in far off France

K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy
You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore
When the m-m-m-moon shines over the cow shed
I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door

K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy
You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore
When the m-m-m-moon shines over the cow shed
I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door
Another well-known WWI comic song is Irving Berlin's Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning, 1918, with another Barbelle cover. It was performed by Bob Hall.

Berlin wrote the comic song after he was conscripted into the army as part of a fund-raising show. He never saw combat. Listen to a recording by Arthur Fields here.

The other day I chanced to meet a soldier friend of mine, 
He’d been in camp for sev’ral weeks and he was looking fine, 
His muscles had developed and his cheeks were rosy red, 
I asked him how he liked the life, 
And this is what he said:

“Oh! how I hate to get up in the morning, 
Oh! How I’d love to remain in bed; 
For the hardest blow of all, 
is to hear the bugler call; 
You’ve got to get up, 
You’ve got to get up, 
You’ve got to get up this morning!

Someday I’m going to murder the bugler, 
Someday they’re going to find him dead; 
I’ll amputate his reveille, 
and step upon it heavily,

And spend, the rest of my life in bed.

[Verse 2] 
A bugler in the army is the luckiest of men,
he wakes the boys at five and then goes back to bed again; 
He doesn’t have to blow again until the afternoon, 
If ev’ry thing goes well with me I’ll be a bugler soon.

“Oh! how I hate to get up in the morning, 
Oh! How I’d love to remain in bed; 
For the hardest blow of all, is to hear the bugler call; 
You’ve got to get up, 
You’ve got to get up, 
You’ve got to get up this morning!

Oh! boy the minute the battle is over, 
Oh! boy the minute the foe is dead, 
I’ll put my uniform away and move to Philadelphia,

And spend the rest of my life in bed.
I Don't Want to Get Well by Harry Pease and Howard Johnson, music by Harry Jentes, 1917, is another comic song about army life. The cover shows a wounded soldier cared for by a pretty nurse while out the window combat ensues. Listen to a recording by Van & Schneck here and by Eddie Cantor here.

 I just received an answer to a letter that I wrote, 
From a pal who marched away. 
He was wounded in the trenches somewhere in France 
And I worried about him night and day. 
“Are you getting well,” was what I wrote. 
This is what he answered in his note: 

“I don’t want to get well. I don’t want to get well. 
I’m in love with a beautiful nurse. 
Early ev’ry morning night and noon, 
The cutest little girlie comes and feeds me with the spoon
I don’t want to get well. 
I don’t want to get well. 
I’m glad they shot me on the fighting line fine. 
The doctor says that I’m in bad condition 
But oh oh oh I’ve got so much ambition. 
I don’t want to get well. I don’t want to get well 
For I’m having a wonderful time."

Verse: I showed this letter to a friend who lives next door to me 
And I heard him quickly say “Goodbye, pal, I must be going.
 I’m off to war, And I hope that I’m wounded right away.
 If what’s in this letter here is true,
 I’ll get shot and then I’ll write: (chorus)
Come On Papa by Edgar Leslie and Harry Ruby, 1918, with another great Barbelle cover. Eddie Cantor may be pictured on the cover but he may not have performed it. Hear an orchestral version here.

Another comic song that again portrays war as a fun adventure. Meet nurses. Meet girls. 
Sweet Marie in gay Paree 
Had a motor car;
It filled her heart with joy,
To drive a Yankee boy;
On the sly, shed wink her eye,
If one came her way,
She'd stop her motor car
And then she'd say:

Come on papa
Hop in ze motor car
Sit by mama
And hold ze hand
You start to raise for me
What zay call ze deuce
I'll be so sweet to you
Like ze Charlotte Russe
Come on papa
Beneath the shining star
Bounce your babe upon your knee
I'll give you a kiss like ze mademoiselles do
Each time you ask for one
I'll give you two
Comme ci comme ca
And when you're in ze car
You love mama
Oo-la-la, Oo-la-la
Come on papa

Yankee boys make lots of noise,
When they're in Paree;
They like to promenade
Up on ze Boul-e-vard;
They all know Marie and so,
Any time she's near,
They knock each other down,
Each time they hear: (chorus)

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Death in Paris by Emilia Bernhard: A Cozy Mystery

Sometimes I need a 'sherbert 'book between the heavy main courses in my reading life, something light and sweet and undemanding but entertaining. This month I tried out my first 'cozy mystery.' I thought they were merely mysteries without explicit gore and sex, a kind of anti-noir story. It turns out that a cozy mystery involves likable amateurs who care about people and are on a quest to seek justice. The villains are not horribly evil and always receive their just deserts.

Death in Paris by Emilia Bernhard is the first in a series of books each set in each arrondissement of Paris. American ex-pats Rachel Levis and Magda become amateur sleuths when Rachel's long-ago lover is discovered dead in his soup, a glass of Rose' on the table. Rachel is convinced someone murdered Edgar, and that the guilty party drank Rose', which Edgar abhorred and had called "sugary vinegar."

Edgar's will requested that Rachel organize his library of rare books after his death and so she has inside access to his home and meets the other beneficiaries of his will.

There are four reasons behind murder, Rachel recalls: Theft, jealousy, fear, and revenge. Edgar's ex-wife, his son, his assistant, and his former lover all benefited from the will financially. Also, of course, the butler is among those Rachel and Magda investigate.

There are twists and turns, and much self-doubt by Rachel, as new evidence, and even deaths, turn up.

It was a fun read with interesting characters. Readers who have been to Paris will enjoy the place descriptions.

I received a free book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

Death in Paris
by Emilia Bernhard
Thistle Publishing/Crooked Lane Books
Publication Oct 9 2018
ISBN 9781683317685

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Paint-By-Number Quilts: 4 Animal Appliques with Vintage Style by Kerry Foster

Have you always wanted to make a pictorial quilt? Learn new skills with
Paint-By-Number Quilts by Kerry Foster. Foster offers patterns to make four animal quilts that are too cute to resist.

Fabulous Fox shows how to use preprinted fabrics for an effective background.
First, she covers what tools and materials you need then she shows you how to choose fabrics. She offers two applique techniques: prepared-edge machine applique, prepared-edge hand applique, and fusible applique.
This bear quilt has the look of a vintage park travel poster!
I was interested in the first technique which I have not tried. Using freezer paper and glue, the sections of the image are built up then placed on the background fabrics. The applique can be machine or hand stitched. A numbered color chart correlates to the pattern and yardage by color is given. Instructions for assembling the applique include illustrations.
The off-white background suggests a wintry day. Note how Foster outlines the antlers.
The projects include a Racoon Mug Rug, pictured on the cover of the book. It is just adorable and measures 10" x 9". The Grizzly Bear Wallhanging measures 45" x 32 1/2".  Fabulous Mr. Fox Wallhanging, 37 1/2" x 46 7/8" is one of my favorites. The Whitetail Stag Wallhanging measures 18" x 29."

The section on Finishing includes notes on how to quilt the noses, antlers, and eyes, create a 'furry' look, and how to quilt backgrounds.

In 32 pages we get all the instructions needed to create our own versions of the quilts!

Kerry Foster, from her website

Visit Kerry's blog at

Visit the Blog Tour for the book at

I received a free ebook from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

PAINT-BY-NUMBER QUILTS: 4 Animal Appliqués with Vintage Style
Kerry Foster
 Book ($19.95)
eBook ($17.99)
8.5” x 12”
32p booklet + pattern sheets, color
ISBN: 978-1-61745-538-4
UPC: 734817-112549
(eISBN: 978-1-61745-539-1)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl by Jean Thompson

Women hold a family together. They plan the social activities and family gatherings, act as a buffer between butting heads, ease the high emotions of family conflict, and provide the meals for the family table that brings generations together.

It is not an easy job, or an easy life. Especially in families afflicted with personality disorders, addictions, mental illness, anger issues, conflict--or even with the usual garden variety issues common to all families.

A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl by Jean Thompson is about three generations of women who have struggled with holding the family together even when their personal dreams are sacrificed for their family. The characters, Evelyn, Laura, and Grace, are vital and distinct while recalling to mind our own mothers and daughters.

It is a heartbreaking story that spans from WWII to the present, each generation of women hoping to find self-fulfillment and true love yet putting the interests of others first.

Each woman who reads this novel must ask herself in what way has she repeated her mother's life, in what ways has she sacrificed her dreams, and if it was worth it in the end. And do we make these choices out of societal or familial expectation or out of the love we have for our children?

I received a free ebook from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl
by Jean Thompson
Simon & Schuster
Pub Date 09 Oct 2018
ISBN 9781501194368
PRICE $26.00 (USD)

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Winter Soldier by Daniel Mason

I am thrilled that I stopped resisting The Winter Soldier by Daniel Mason. I was leery of delving into another WWI novel, knowing the despair and suffering I would encounter. When I began reading I couldn't stop and stayed up late to finish it.

The novel tells the story of Lucius Krzelewski of Vienna, an inexperienced young medical student who shows much promise but is frustrated by the limitations of medical school. When war breaks out, a friend convinces Lucius that he can get first-hand experience by enlisting as an army doctor.

Lucius is sent to a remote hospital on the Eastern Front. The doctors abandoned the hospital when typhus broke out. In charge is a nurse, a nun named Sister Margarete and under her tutelage, Lucius learns how to doctor and how to love.

Lucius knows his job is to patch the men up so they can be returned to the war. He wants to protect the men in his care whose wounds are unseen but who the army deems fit for service. One soldier particularly affects Lucius and Margarete, a beautiful artist who arrives in winter, so traumatized he cannot stop screaming.

The storyline and characters kept my interest but I also appreciated how I learned so much about the war on the Eastern Front, the level of medical practice and knowledge at the time, and the shifting political landscape of Eastern Europe.

I have read so many terrific WWI novels in the past few years. So much has changed in 100 years. And yet, so much remains the same.

I received a free ebook from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

The Winter Soldier
by Daniel Mason
Little, Brown & Co.
Publication: September 2018
ISBN: 9780316477604
PRICE: $28.00 (USD)

Read an excerpt here. See photos relating to the novel here.

I did not expect to find a link between the story and my family genealogical research.

One day when Margarete is away longer than Lucius thinks reasonable he goes searching for her, becoming lost and stumbling into the front. He flees and finds himself far from the hospital.

The names of the cities Lucius passes through were familiar, and then Lucius arrives at Stanislau.

The city appears in the records under many names: first StanisÅ‚awów to honor StanisÅ‚aw Rewera Potocki, then changed to Stanislau, Stanislaviv, and Stanislav, and finally, in 1962 it became Ivano-Frankivsk.

It was the city where my husband's great-parents, Christoph and Carolina, were married. I found their marriage in the Odessa Files. Carolina Reinke has family roots in Stansislawka back to her great-grandfather.

So the novel not only educated me in a general way but also shed light on the landscape of my husband's ancestors and gratitude that the family left the area before WWI.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Leonard Cohen's Last Book: The Flame

The Flame by Leonard Cohen with Remembrance of Things Past by Nancy A. Bekofske
In the last days of his life, Leonard Cohen prepared his last book, gathering drawings, unpublished material, and the lyrics from his last albums. He was a man who knew he was in his last days and an artist who needed to send out one last envoy to the world. That book has been published as The Flame.

The image on the cover is the burning bush, a green tree surrounded by fire and yet is not burned by the flames. Cohen's "flame burned bright within him to the very end," said Robert Kory, manager and trustee of the Cohen estate, “this book, finished only days before his death, reveals the intensity of his inner fire to all.”

One of the first record albums I bought as an early teen was The Songs of Leonard Cohen. I later bought the songbook. I grew up listening to those songs, singing those songs, strumming chords on my guitar. When an ARC of Cohen's final book The Flame arrived I downloaded the digital album and revisited those songs while opening the book to read.
The Flame with Remembrance of Things Past by Nancy A. Bekofske
As I worked my way through the book I researched Cohen's life and work online. I discovered the poets who he admired and influenced him, including Frederico Garcia Lorca; Cohen even named his daughter Lorca.

The drawings are primarily self-portraits, his face deeply creased and intense, and of women, spiritual imagery, and a few still lifes. Facsimiles of his manuscripts are also included.

The selections are confessional, addressing his personal struggles with depression, relationships, and spiritual meaning. Rhythm is more important than rhyme. The imagery is often very personal, arcane, but also with references to Biblical stories and Jewish history.

The message I gather is this: When love fails to save us and faith fails to bring grace, and the world has become merciless, music and poetry become acts of resistance rebellion. The creative urge engenders the flame that can not be quenched or dimmed by the world.

I received an ARC from the publisher through a Goodreads giveaway.

The Flame: Poems Notebooks Lyrics Drawings by Leonard Cohen
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Publication Date 10/02/2018
$28 hardbound
ISBN: 9780374156060