Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Blended Embroidery: Combining Old & New Textiles, Ephemera & Embroidery

I love the idea behind Blended Embroidery by Brian Haggard. His art is a collage of textiles, vintage images, and ephemera printed on textiles, embroidery, and embellishments.

The Lacemaker by Brian Haggard
Haggard loves finding old pieces and repurposing them. His studio is filled with buttons, beads, laces, trims, threads, and textile pieces--even imperfect pieces.

Haggard shows how to make free form embroidered leaves and embroidered felt flowers, soft bows, walnut stained fabrics, photo imaging, attaching doilies and printed images.
Pincushions and sachets made of vintage images scanned on fabric
Chapters include

  • Where to Look for Blended Embroidery Inspiration
  • But It Looks Like Trash
  • Materials, Fabrics, and Supplies
  • Basic Stitches 

Projects include

  • The Lace Maker
  • Paisley Proper
  • Scissor Sheath and Scissors Holder
  • Pincushion
  • Travel Bag
  • Renaissance Revival
  • Friendship Pincushions and Sachets
  • Sewing Butler 

A Galley and About the Author is included.
Scissors holder and pincushion
Many of the Galley projects are a form of crazy quilting. The creativity is inspiring! I especially love the quilts that include antique family portraits printed on fabric!

Haggard's previous books included Crazy Quilted Memoires and Embroidered Memories. Visit Haggard's website at

I received access to a free ebook in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

Blended Embroidery: Combining Old & New Textiles, Ephemera & Embroidery
Brian Haggard
Book ( $27.95  ) eBook ( $22.99 )
SBN: 978-1-61745-809-5
UPC: 734817-113393
(eISBN: 978-1-61745-810-1)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Catching Up with Miss Kopp

My library book club read Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart last month and it was this month's book choice for my husband's Mystery Book Club. Both groups enjoyed the book and the Mystery Book Club scheduled to read the next book in the series, Lady Cop Makes Trouble, next year.

This month I also read Lady Cop Makes Trouble, Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions, and Miss Kopp Just Won't Quilt in the last few weeks in preparation to read her upcoming addition to the series Kopp Sisters On The March.

Lady Cop continues the story of Constance, Norma, and Fleurette Kopp, based on newspaper articles about Constance Kopp. Constance became a jail matron in charge of female prisoners.

A male prisoner faking illness and is taken to the hospital. Under Constance's watch, a distraction diverts her attention and the man escapes. It is the Sheriff, not Constance, whose job is on the line and she determines to find the escapee and save Sheriff Heath's reputation and job.

The escapee was a doctor who faked the illness of his patients to extort money from the families.

Lady Cop Makes Trouble becomes a news story headline bringing unwanted attention to Constance.

As jail matron, Constance is both firm and humane.

I might not ever see these women cleansed of their crimes and misdeeds, and I might not keep them from misfortune and misery, but I could rid them of vermin and send them to sleep in a clean and quiet bed. For some of them, it was the first night they'd spend free of torment--of one kind of another--in years. from Lady Cop Makes Trouble

Constance becomes involved with the women in the jail, their backstories revealing the lives of women a hundred years ago.

At midnight a woman will tell almost anything if she finds one who is sympathetic to tell it to. from Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions
Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions concerns girls who leave home without parental permission and are accused of being 'wayward' by their parents, which entails the girls being sent to a reformatory. If the girl left town with a man he would be accused of white slavery and under the Mann Act which made it a crime if he transported the girl across state borders.

The stories of three girls show the many causes of a girl's leaving home and the legal consequences of doing so. A nineteen-year-old girl wants employment in the war effort and to see the wider world. A sixteen-year-old girl attaches herself to a man who can get her passage out of town. He sets her up in an apartment in his name. And then there is Fleuette and her dream of breaking into show business.

Young women were being locked up for months, and possibly years, over offenses that amounted to little more than leaving their parents' home without permission, or carrying on with an unsuitable man. Constance couldn't help notice that the unsuitable men were never arrested for their part in the crime. from Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions

Women's parents and husbands determined their life choices. Parents sometimes opted to have their daughters arrested and sent to a reformatory until they were age 21. Constance visits the reformatory, run like a prison, where she sees orphans and children whose families were 'unsuitable.' Girls who fight or run away or set fires are sent into a closed room. The girls learned the domestic arts to prepare them for service or families and were on probation after they left, required to keep the job provided for them and to get approval if they wanted to marry.

The attractions of the greater world include working in a factory where girls could earn and spend their own money and the vaudeville stage with its painted glamour. Fleurette is taken by May Ward and her Dresden Dolls who sing There's a Little Bit of Bad in Every Good Little Girl, which Constance finds especially meaningful.
sheet music from my personal collection. Hear the song and read the lyrics
Girl Waits With Gun revealed that Constance was seduced by the traveling Singer sewing man and ran away from home to have her baby. Norman brought them back into the family home. A move meant the women could pass Fleurette off as her grandmother's child.

No one knows better that there's a little bit of bad in every good girl, and that girls gone bad can be reclaimed.

Miss Kopp Just Won't Quit shows Constance's determination and fearlessness when she pursues an escaped prisoner and rescues him from drowning. 

It is the 1916 election year and Sheriff Heath's appointment is coming to an end. The candidate for Sheriff, John Coulter, is focusing on the fact people have escaped instead of focusing on the positive that Miss Kopp has apprehended them.

The novel continues to probe the lives of women a hundred years ago. Miss Kopp visits girls in their new lives to encourage them to stay straight and helps a woman falsely committed to the asylum by a philandering husband. 

But this novel also considers the political climate of 1916, showing how some things haven't changed.

"It was an uncertain time in Bergen Country: there was labor unrest in the factories, a mistrust of immigrants who might be German sympathizers, and the very real fear that a munitions depot might go up like so many crates of firecrackers at the hands of secret agents of the Kaiser. And most of all, there was the absolute terror of war--a war we surely couldn't avoid much longer. The people were looking for an enemy, and John Courter had one on offer." from Miss Kopp Just Won't Quit by Amy Stewart
Miss Kopp is distressed by the machinations of John Courter. Sheriff Heath consoles her by saying, "He's putting all his worst qualities right out on display for the public to see," sure that the crowd of a few hundred people Courter drew did would not represent what the voters would decide on Election Day.

Meanwhile, Norma is inventing a portable homing pigeon station that could be used in the war effort for communication. Fluerette is part of the entertainment at the Plattsburg camp where men are training to be prepared for war. 

With the new sheriff comes huge changes, none of them good for Miss Kopp or the female inmates.

As a new member of the Kopp Sisters Literary Society, I choose to receive the upcoming Kopp Sisters on the March. It was a happy day when the Advanced Reading Copy arrived with cool swag: a bandana, binocular key chain, bookmark, and a delicious chocolate bar! Yes--I ate the chocolate bar soon after opening the package. But after I had checked out the book!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Gold Digger: A Rags to Riches to Rags Love Story

Baby Doe Tabor, born Elizabeth McCourt, was author Rebecca Rosenberg's life-long obsession and now Roseburg has resurrected Baby Doe in her newest book Gold Digger: The Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor. Rosenberg is the author of The Secret Life of Mrs. London--the 2020 Read Across California book choice and winner of the Independent Book Publisher's Gold Award.

The beautiful Baby Doe married for the promise of a gold mine--her mother always intended her to be the family's way out of debt. When her immature husband abandoned Baby Doe she supported herself by working for a tailor. Ever since she arrived in the Western wilds of Colorado, Baby Doe had turned heads and men scrambled for her favors. But the only man to claim her heart was the married Silver King Horace Tabor, who had rose from miner to riches to the U.S. Senate.

Baby Doe broke hearts when she and Tabor divorced their spouses and got married. The 'Tabor Luck' brought them spectacular wealth before the Eastern bankers convinced the Federal government to adopt the gold standard, sending silver prices plunging.

I was propelled to read Gold Digger. Baby Doe and her world are vividly rendered, and the economic and social challenges of the times are addressed through the action.

A terrifying scene of an attack on Chinese immigrants illustrates the anti-Chinese sentiment toward the people who came to do the manual labor. And the shunning of the Tabor wedding in Washington, D.C., even though President Arthur attended, illustrates the social rejection of the divorced.

Baby Doe's experiences ran the gamut from pampered daughter to the hard-working miner's wife who actually donned overalls and worked on site. She suffered a miscarriage and was abandoned by her first husband. She worked to support herself, fending off sexual predators and suitors. Then she coped with social rejection for her divorce and a relationship with the man she loved. Tabor showered her with riches and gave her two children before losing everything, but she stuck with him. No wonder that Rosenberg calls her 'remarkable'.

The sequel to Gold Digger, Silver Dollar (Baby Doe's daughter) is scheduled for release in September 2019--so readers won't have to wait long for the conclusion of Baby Doe's life!

Title: Gold Digger: The Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor
by Rebecca Rosenberg
Lion Heart Publishing
Price: $15.95 (print) $9.99 (e-book)
ISBN: 978-0-578-42779-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-7329699-0-2 (Kindle)
Publication: May 29, 2019

Rosenberg writes about women who are survivors. She knows about resilience. She and her husband lost their home and lavender farm in a California wildfire in 2017.

Rosenberg's first novel, The Secret Life of Mrs. Jack London, imagines the relationship between the legendary novelist Jack London and his second wife Charmain, and her rumored affair with Harry Houdini. The story opens nine years into Jack and Charmain's marriage. Charmain had been Jack's typist. He divorced his first wife to marry Charmain.

I became his typist, his editor, his muse.--from The Secret Life of Mrs. Jack London by Rebecca Rosenberg
Romance is a prominent feature of the novel. Charmain was raised by an advocate of free love and she was comfortable with her sexuality.

In the novel, Jack finds Charmain essential but he also neglects her and carries on affairs. Charmain longs for their earlier passionate relationship. Men pursue her, making Jack jealous. Her suitors included Harry Houdini who loved his perpetual child-wife but found sexual fulfillment outside of marriage. Charmain's diaries refer to her affair with her 'Magic Man'.

Jack struggles with health issues and is burdened to pay for his many projects, both working hard and playing hard. Both Jack and Harry Houdini are charismatic, lionized, risk takers whose physical charms attract Charmain.

He said he'd never met a woman as game as me for adventure.--from The Secret Life of Mrs. Jack London by Rebecca Rosenberg

There is a desperation about Charmain that made me sad. Jack admired what he perceived as a masculine strength and bravery which matched his own. But what a burden it had to be to live up to his ideals!

Charmain not only typed his novels as he dictated them but cleaned them up, edited, and ghost-wrote them. She desperately wanted to succeed on her own as a writer but the publishers dismissed her until Jack arranged to have her books published.

Charmain discovers that men hold the power in the world and in love. Walking away, her life a blank journal, we hope she finds success on her own terms.

The Secret Life of Mrs. Jack London
by Rebecca Rosenberg
Lake Union Publishing
ISBN 9781542048736

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Helen Korngold Diary: May 19-25, 1919

In 1919, Helen Korngold, a senior at Washington University kept a diary which I found in a thrift shop in 2001. Over many years I researched Helen and the people, places, and events in the diary and created a family tree on

This year I am sharing weekly excerpts from Helen's diary.

May 19
School – May Day Final rehearsals. No studying.

Tuesday 20
May Day Dress Rehearsals. Summer came home! I was thrilled. No studying all day!

Wednesday 21
 School – May Day called OFF! Time wasted again.

Thursday 22
School – May Day called off! Satellites. No chance to study.

Friday 23
School – May Day called off! Can’t find time to do my work.

Saturday 24
School – Greek Games- Lou & Til took part. Cuqots – my new dress is beautiful!

Sunday 25
Rehearsal with Corrine. Wrote Ads – Millstone Dinner. To diner with Winkler. Swell time. Home. Dress. Y.M.H.A. Home 1 AM – almost dead.


May 24

Perhaps Helen went out with Emil Winkler, whom she went out with on June 7.
YMHA is the Young Men’s Hebrew Association

The Greek Games were held at Forest Park, presented by Central High School. An article appeared in the Sunday, May 25 St. Louis Post-Dispatch


0525_2000SeeGirlsofCentralHighinGreekGames -

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Playing With Purpose: A Quilt Retrospective by Victoria Findlay Wolfe

I Am Not Perfect And That is OK is the title of a quilt by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. In her new book Playing With Purpose one of her first messages is that creativity and improvisation in art entails making mistakes. It is part of the process and one should not be dejected when things go awry. 

Give yourself permission, she advises, to let your work evolve and change. Allowing your work to evolve organically means letting go of set expectations. 

It is OK to set aside a project until you have a clear vision or new skill set to complete it. But don't expect to reach some fantasy of perfection. Worrying about perfection brings negativity and failure.  

Your work should bring joy. Creating a quilt should be playful. Don't overthink it.
We worry too much about color matching and using a limited fabric palette. Wolfe's work breaks out of such self-imposed limitations. Forget the 'rules'. There are no rules. There is what works, what tells your story.
 Few quilt artists are as creative with preprinted fabrics as Wolfe.
Learn new skills, Wolfe encourages. Break out of your comfort zone. As an artist, Wolfe is always evolving.

Tell the quilt police (in your head and outside) where to go. It's your fabric, your time, your memories, your joy. Just make!~from Playing with Purpose by Victoria Findlay Wolfe
 It is wonderful to study Wolfe's quilts presented in the book.

Learn more about Wolfe on her website

I was given access to a free ebook by the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe’s Playing with Purpose: A Quilt Retrospective
Victoria Findlay Wolfe 
Stash Books
 Book ( $39.95  )
 eBook ( $31.99 )  
ISBN: 978-1-61745-828-6
UPC: 734817-113478
(eISBN: 978-1-61745-829-3)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Forgotten Hero: Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish Humanitarian who Rescued 30,000 People from the Nazis

Folke Bernadotte. The name wasn't at all familiar. Who was this Swedish humanitarian? Why have we forgotten him?

Readers of the popular historical fiction novel The Lilac Girls  by Martha Hall Kelly know about the Polish women interred in Ravensbruck who were used for medical experiments, called 'rabbits' because they were merely lab 'animals.'''
In Kelly's novel, the women are told to board white trucks from the Red Cross, but some doubt their legitimacy. Another noted that "Himmler himself authorized Count Bernadotte of Sweden to take us."

A Forgotten Hero is the story of that Count Bernadotte of Sweden!

Shelly Emling begins the book with the German invasion of Poland and the removal of Poles to concentration camps through the personal story of Manya Moszkowicz. In the last days of the war, the Germans wanted to cover up the atrocities of the concentration camps, evacuating prisoners or killing them. Manya was taken on a forced march to Ravensbruck. And one morning she was in a group taken to the gate and told to board a white truck with red crosses. It didn't seem real. The women were given CARE packages, and that night they slept in real beds, clean and warmly clothed. Manya learned she had been rescued because of Count Folke Bernadotte.

Folke was related to Swedish royalty and made a career in the army. He became a volunteer for the Boy Scouts. He took on the leadership of the International Red Cross. Sweden was neutral during WWII, a choice made to preserve their freedom while Norway fell to the Germans and Finland to the Russians. Folke used this neutrality to gain access to Himmler. He wanted to rescue all the prisoners, but played his hand carefully, first asking to repatriate Swedish nationalists. The Gestapo head Himmler had vowed to remain loyal to Hitler but knew his country was losing the war; over time he allowed Folke access to more prisoners.

Folke's courage and faith were limitless as he bused the women out of the camp, coming under fire by Allied planes. He was able to secret out several thousand Jews, but his rapport with the Nazis and unwillingness to overplay his hand made him suspect by some Jewish groups. After the war, Folke was asked to mediate between the emerging country of Isreal and the dispossessed Palestinians. A radical Jewish group marked him for assassination.

For decades, Folke's legacy was forgotten by a chagrined Israel who buried the incident of his death.

Sixty years after his death Folke has reemerged from the shadows.

I received a free ebook from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased
about the author:Shelley Emling is a senior editor at and editor-in-chief of The Girlfriend from AARP. Previously she was a senior editor at the Huffington Post for five years. She has worked as a foreign correspondent for the Cox Media Group both in Europe and in Latin America for more than twelve years, based in London for eight years. Shelley lives in New Jersey and works in Washington, D.C. Shelley is the author of several other books including Marie Curie and Her Daughters, Setting the World on Fire, Your Guide to Retiring in Mexico, and The Fossil Hunter.

A Forgotten Hero: Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish Humanitarian Who Rescued 30,000 People from the Nazis
Emling, Shelley
ECW Press
Published: May 2019
ISBN: 9781770414495
$26.95 US/$32.95 CAD/#17.99 Kindle

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Helen Korngold Diary May 12-18, 1919

This year I am sharing the 1919 diary of Helen Korngold of St. Louis, MO. Helen was a senior at Washington University, preparing for a career as a teacher.
Helen Korngold, December 1919, New York City

Monday 12
School – Carol Party at Elks. Clara Marx, hostess. Had a dandy time – carnations for favors – delicious luncheon. Learned a little about 500. Home – practiced – wrote Satellites up & went to “Y” orchestra.

Tuesday 13
School – Rehearsal for Bado. Home at 9 o’clock Study. Maizie Rothman gets quite confidential.

Wednesday 14
School – nothing exciting

Thursday 15
School – rehearsal for Bado – home. Downtown – fitting at Cuqots – blue silk. Pretty. Rehearse with Miss Holmes.

Friday 16
School. After buying a suit dark blue serge. Good looking. Home – fitting at Cuqots – rehearse with kids at Aunt Beryl’s. Home – dress. Saw Thyrsus present “Admirable” Crichton, Pauline & Arthur Sarason, Karol. Dandy time. Play was wonderful.

Saturday 17
School – home – played at neighborhood entertainment. Our initial appearance. J Orchestra. All went fine.

Sunday 18
Expect to study all day!


May 12

Clara Marx may be related E. Marx, 1300 Washington, who appears on the Elks membership in the 1913 Gould’s Blue Book.

“Y” orchestra a youth orchestra

May 13

Bado rehearsal; Helen played in the junior orchestra's initial concert on June 17.

May 15

Cuqouts appears to be a dressmaker, although I cannot find this name in the City Directory of businesses.

May 16

Thyrsus was the dramatic society at Washington University.

May 4, 1919 article from St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Admirable Crichton was a stage play written by James Barrie that addressed class issues, first produced in 1902.

From the February 29, 1907, Washington University Student Life:
“What's in a name? This was one of the chief topics discussed at the regular meeting of the Dramatic Club last Wednesday. After mature deliberation, the club selected for its official name, "Thyrsus," suggested by Prof. Holmes Smith and proposed to the club by Mr. Starbird. The name signifies a pine cone, which was the symbol of Dionysus, the Greek god of the drama. In selecting such a name, the club is doing wisely, as the former name was entirely too long and too ordinary, while "Thyrsus" is terse, sounds well, and has some significance." 
I wonder which navy serge suit Helen chose? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch paper Sunday, May 11, 1919, was full of advertisements for clearance and sales!