Showing posts with label Jane Sassaman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jane Sassaman. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jane Sassaman's Amazing Art

Jane Sassaman addressing the GLHQ
This month I visited the Great Lakes Heritage Quilters guild to see Jane Sassaman. I have admired her work for many years.
Jane Sassaman Moth and Moons
Jane described her journey as an artist from 1960s psychedelic and pop art influences to Gloria Vanderbilt's use of quilts, to William Morris and the Pre-Raphealites, to Nancy Crow's innovative art. Along the way, she included folk art, Marimekko, and the mid-century revival of the needle arts in embellishing counter culture 'hippie' clothing.

Sassaman was influenced by GloriaVanderbilt's quilted decor
which appeared in Vogue magazine in 1970

A William Morris wallpaper design
You can see the influence on Sassaman's work

Forgotten Garden by Sassaman
shows her thematic use of thorns
Here is my Finnish exchange student sister wearing a Marimekko print in 1970, an oversized poppy.

She talked about the themes she uses in her art, including 'dangerious' insects, the Day of the Dead, skeletons and skulls.
A spider appears at the bottom of Sassaman's quilt Life Totem

Sassman designed a fabric line for Free Spirit. Quilters don't have to applique the milleflores borders Jane loves, they can use the fabric!

Sassaman designs for Free Spirit
Simplified, small sized patterns based on Jane's art were available for purchase along with packs of fabric.

Jane Sassaman's patterns include Summer, right,
a simplified version of her award winning quilt Willow.
 I bought a daffodil design and a fabric pack with pussy willows. The prices were very reasonable.
Jane Sassaman easy applique pattern
Sassaman fabrics from Free Spirit
There was a nice turn out.
Jane is leading several workshops this weekend including one on Broderie Perse using printed fabric to create quilts like the one below--

and a class teaching how to observe plants and visually 'dissect' them to create original designs like Jane's Jack-in-the-Pulpit below--
The Free Spirit fabric line can also be used in pieced quilts as seen in the examples following:
Jane Sassman quilt using her Free Spirit fabric line

Jane Sassman quilt using her Free Spirit Line
 She is a true artist and a wonderful inspiration!

The guild has a free table and I found this wonderful book!

I have completed the top of the pattern I bought.
 The central motif is fused then finished with machine satin stitching.

The fabric kit was generous so there is enough for backing and binding.