Showing posts with label unfinished books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unfinished books. Show all posts

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Brief Reviews of Finished and Unfinished Books

My book reviewing interferes with personal reading so that some books take me years to read since I only read them now and then. Sometimes I read them on my phone in a waiting room.

I also pick up books and decide not to read them.

Here are some brief reviews of books that fall into these categories.

Unfinished Books and Still Reading

The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, WIlliam Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism by Doris Kearns Goodwin
How could I NOT have finished this yet? I loved the early section about the childhood, marriages, and early careers of Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft. Then, I got bogged down on McClure's magazine and Ida Tarbell, and then there was...well, so much more. I am on page 722, the last section, and expect to finish it sometime this year. Gift ebook.

John Quincy Adams Militant Spirit by James Traub
I am 41% into this biography, for several years I have been reading it now and then in waiting rooms and such times. Having read numerous biographies of JQA I have not been impelled to read this one, although it has increased my understanding. The ebook was a gift.

Beyond the Horizon by Ella Carey is historical fiction about a woman who was a pilot during WWII but has kept her past a secret. I have picked it up several times and have read 30 pages. "Meg's grace seemed so small and helpless" stopped me the last time. I am puzzled over anthropomorphizing a grave. It has over 4 stars on Goodreads. Must be me. Amazon Kindle book.

My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell
I love love love the Masterpiece Theater series The Durrells of Corfu. And I need something to read that makes me laugh when the darker books I prefer get me down. This one does the trick. Lovely nature writing, hilarious characters. I am 41% in and don't expect to finish it soon. I don't want to. Like medicine, I save it for when I am sick at heart. Purchased ebook.

The Last Bathing Beauty by Amy Sue Nathan
A woman remembers her last summer of girlhood in South Haven, Michigan, before she accepted a marriage of convenience. I am 22% in. I have nothing against the novel, but romances are not my meat and potatoes so I may nibble on it now and then when I need to rest my brain. From Amazon Prime.

Miss Grief and Other Stories by Constance Fenimore Woolson
Miss Grief and Other StoriesAfter reading Anne Boyd Rioux's terrific biography of Constance Fenimore Woolson I picked up this collection of stories, edited by Rioux. I have read about half the book. I have reread the story St. Clair Flats for its description of how the St. Clair River appeared before we dredged it for our convenience. Wonderful stories. I purchased an ibook.

My Squirrel Days by Ellie Kemper
Being pop culture ignorant, I don't know Kemper although I do recall seeing an episode of The Office with my son....years ago...I have read nearly a quarter of the memoir. Entertaining enough. I will likely return and read a chapter now and then.
A Simon & Schuster free Glose ebook

I have been reading The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson since early February. I read a few poems several nights a week. It is interesting to read her poetry in order. I see how her themes and images progress as life changes. I am in 1862, the time of her greatest creativity. I am reading a paperback purchased forty years ago.

Finished Book

Appetite for America: Fred Harvey and the Business of Civilizing the Wild West--One Meal at a Time by Stephen Fried
20010065I had this book on Kindle before I read Fried's masterful biography Benjamin Rush. I quickly read Part One over a summer, then slowly read Part Two over another year.  The entertaining book tells a story of an immigrant who builds an empire and changes the American landscape. Fred Harvey was "the father of the American service industry," building a chain of restaurants and hotels on the burgeoning railroads that opened up the West. It touches on many aspects of American history and society. Purchased ebook.