Sunday, July 15, 2018

A Marriage in Crisis in McCarthy America

The Grossmans are "an archetypal leftist family." Ben Grossman's socialist politics becomes a liability in 1953 when Senator McCarthy is targeting communist sympathizers. It was time for him to leave his job in the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. 

Ben had dreamed of being a writer, but with a wife and children to support, his only option is to pass the New York State bar and open a law practice. Long Island, NY is burgeoning with post-war housing in new suburban communities, the perfect place to start his practice. 

His wife Addie, however, longs for the excitement of the city. She gave up enough for her marriage and hardly remembers who she was. She never bargained for the sterility and conformity of the suburban desert. Ben and Addie's marriage has been coming apart for a long time, and this decision is one more indication of its disintegration.

Ben and Addie and the kids move in with Ben's folks while they find housing.
Ben's dad tells his grandkids stories of the Cossacks driving his family to find shelter in America. To make ends met, he built a business selling knock-off fashion apparel. Now with heart problems, he wants out, but it comes at a price.

A Long Island Story is a study of a family in crisis, caught in a time when people have an "insatiable need for someone to blame" and a craving for "something to fear and a leader to protect them from it." Addie thinks, "The next thing you knew one of them would be in the White House, as good old H. L. Mencken had predicted thirty years ago: a moron."

Ben must decide on what he really values. Addie must decide what she is willing to give up. And their children must learn to walk the narrow line between personal values and societal demands.

Author Rick Gekoski was inspired by his own family story, based on his childhood memories, liberally fictionalized.

I enjoyed the detailed description of the time, but this is not historical fiction as much as the story of a marriage. The novel is character-driven with psychological insight.

I received a free ebook from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

A Long Island Story
by Rick Gekoski
Canongate Books US
Pub Date 13 Jul 2018
ISBN 9781786893420

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Scottoline Does Funny, Too

"We take real life and make it funny."--Lisa Scottoline

Philadelphia lawyer turned courtroom/thriller novelist Lisa Scottoline has also been writing "true stories and confessions." I thought it was about time I read one of her humor books, which she co-authors with her daughter Francesca Serritella. I picked up I See Life Through Rose'-Colored Glasses through NetGalley.

My husband and I began reading Scottoline's novels for their Philadelphia locale. We kept reading for her characters and plotlines. I followed her on social media and discovered her humor writing. I looked forward to that laugh-out-loud moment her posts always brought.

Like the snake in the toilet news story that had her horrified. She writes, "Now, this is where I reveal that I go to the bathroom to pee approximately thirty-five times a day. Seventeen of those are at night." The only thing worse than worrying about finding snakes when you lift the toilet seat lid is, well, there is nothing worse.

Scottoline's 'true stories' are written in her own voice, with a wallop of self-depreciation and a no-holds-barred admittance of the plight of being a woman 'of a certain age' and the indignities of aging. The stories "chronicle our lives" as mother and daughter she writes, looking "at the upside of ups and downs."

Her daughter Francesca writes about being a 21st c thirty-something female in NYC. I loved her "Can You Hear Me Now?" about her mother's struggle with technology--WiFi, phones, Face-Timing. Yep. We have a thirty-something son who we rely on as our personal technology service rep.

"The Ad That Stole Christmas" is about a ad makes singles feel bad about, well, being single during the holidays. But as her mother knows, the worst thing is not ending up alone, it is ending up with people who make you feel alone.

Scottoline is an animal lover and I enjoy seeing her rescued dogs laying on quilts on the couch. "Animals make us human" she states. "Lint rollers can only do so much," Scottoline admits, and the evidence is apparent on their clothing.

Oh, I do know about that. Our Shiba Inus shed 9 months out of the year, and the other three they exploded fur. We did not have dust bunnies, but dust puppies, and they rolled on the hardwood like tumbleweeds. I once found my dachshund's wiry hairs woven into my brassiere. Francesca writes about deciding to cut her dog's hair herself, which she discovers is not for the faint-hearted or neatnick.

The stories are brief and I like reading them one a day, like a vitamin pill, a daily laugh or chuckle to maintain good health.

I received a free ebook from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

See Life Through Rosé-Colored Glasses: True Stories and Confessions
by Lisa Scottoline; Francesca Serritella
St. Martin's Press
Pub Date 10 Jul 2018
ISBN 9781250163059
PRICE $24.99 (USD)

Read my reviews of other Scottoline books:

After Anna:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

More From My Sit and Stitch Group

So many people came to see what my weekly quilt group is doing that I am sharing more photos!

We contribute to the monthly quilt display in our library. Here are some hanging now.
Betty's maritime inspired quilt makes me think of summer travels to Michigan's lakes.
Theresa contributed this quilted panel.
I started this quilt in a workshop with Jeanna Kimball where we learned to make our own applique patterns with folded paper.
Fashions from the Roaring 20s to the power suits of the 1980s was a fun project. I adapted a pattern of 1930s dresses. I used a vintage 30s pink for the 1930s dress and a vintage1960s floral print dress.

Here are some more quilts made by the group.

Bev made three quilts for the three doctors who discovered a health issue when under treatment for another condition. Here she is presenting a quilt to one of the doctors.

Kay shared a doll and doll quilt she made many years ago.

And here is a new quilt top Kay just finished.
Shirley is one of the founding members of our group. Here is a stack 'n wack quilt she made.

Madeline love hexies and hand work. She is making Dresden Plates.
Linda's quilt top looks summery and fresh as a Lake Michigan breeze!
Betty is making more Modern style quilts to suit her children's tastes.

Shirley made this X Marks the Spot quilt.
When Theresa found these Thicket prints of animals I had to buy some. She made stuffed animals with the large prints and now this small quilt.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Poisoned City: Flint's Water and the American Urban Tragedy

"In the first full account of this American tragedy, The Poisoned City recounts the gripping story of Flint’s poisoned water through the people who caused it, suffered from it, and exposed it. It is a chronicle of one town, but could also be about any American city, all made precarious by the neglect of infrastructure and the erosion of democratic decision making. Places like Flint are set up to fail—and for the people who live and work in them, the consequences can be fatal."--from the publisher
A woman who was a high school classmate posted on Facebook about her work distributing bottled water in Flint, Michigan through the American Red Cross. Day after day people came for a case of water. The had to make daily trips because they were only allowed one case a day. The people needed an I.D. to get the water. It was the middle of a brutal winter, and many of the people were elderly or disabled or had no cars. Church pastors came, hoping to get cases of water to deliver to their shut-ins who could not make it out.

Lori told me that the people were uninformed about the toxic water and how to be safe. Actually, the Red Cross workers didn't know what the Health Department standards would recommend. Could one bathe in the water? Use it to mix baby formula? Filters and water purifiers were distributed, but not everyone knew how to install or maintain them, and the filters only fit on certain kinds of faucets.

Setting up the warehouses and creating a system from scratch was 'chaotic,' 'hell'. Some warehouses were overstocked while others emptied quickly leaving people without water.

It was heartbreaking, Lori said.

Flint once had the highest per-capita incomes in the nation. GM founder and Flint mayor Charles Stewart Mott developed a renowned school system. The city boasted the Flint Symphony Orchestra and the Flint Institute of Arts.

My father-in-law grew up in Flint and worked for Fisher Body. His widowed mother found work at GM and participated in the Woman's Brigade during the Sit-Down Strike. His eldest son opened his professional offices in Flint and raised his family there.

When GM closed its auto plants over twenty thousand residents left. Businesses closed. The city tax base was gone and revenue sharing was sidelined to balance the state budget. An economic turndown and mortgage crisis devastated the country.

Still, Flint was Michigan's seventh largest city with 49,000 residents. The community was not down yet and neighborhood civic programs for change and betterment were led by the University of Michigan Flint, Habitat for Humanity, and church groups.

The state assigned an Emergency Manager to oversee Flint and solve its budget crisis. Buying treated water from Detroit Water and Sewerage was costly. It was decided to switch to the Karegnodi Water Authority, drawing water from Lake Huron, and process the water by reopening Flint's water treatment plant. Until the new source of water was in place they would draw water from the Flint River.

The state's environmental agency had warned that using Flint River water was a bad idea. The decision was based on cost-effectiveness. As the Detroit Free Press observed, the state had "voted for a business person" when they voted for Governor Snyder, the "bottom line" being his priority. "Governing a state as well as governing a nation is not like running a business. He and the people of Flint have found out the hard way."

Residents complained of bad smelling coffee-colored tap water, skin rashes, and illnesses. Children lost hair, suffered aches and pains. For eighteen months, the city, state and federal governments delayed action, claiming the water was safe.

Michigan is surrounded by the Great Lakes which hold one-fifth of the world's freshwater yet Flint residents were drinking tap water that was toxic.

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality had suffered staff and budget cuts although monitoring the largest number of community water systems in the country.

People came down with Legionnaire's disease for years but there was no public notice about the outbreak. Forty-six patients at McLaren Hospital in Flint became ill and ten died of the disease. Four years passed before a Wayne State University investigation traced the outbreak to the switch to Flint River water and corrosion in pipes. 

Every governing authority had failed the people of Flint. Water quality tests were skewed to lessen the amount of lead found. Citizens with the highest amount of lead found their test results eliminated from the results.

In 2015 the State Integrity Report Card from the Center for Public Integrity ranked Michigan dead LAST. Snyder signed bills "that did more to conceal the actions of state government," including political donors. Journalism was undergoing deep cuts, with fewer local journalists employed--a loss of local watchdogs.

The Poisoned City puts the crisis in the context of the history of Flint, the development of water sources, and legislation for environmental protection. It tells the story of the grass-roots activists who demanded justice. And how the media brought the story to the public, beginning with Michigan Public Radio which first reported the problem to Rachel Maddow who brought it to national attention.

Liability for causing environmental hazards rarely punishes the polluter.  In the case of Love Canal, the New York State neighborhood poisoned by Hooker Chemicals' leaking toxic waste storage,  the courts held Hooker responsible for cleanups but not punitive damages for the harm the residents suffered. The law requires evidence of intent to cause harm.

In Flint, lawsuits were filed over the poisoned water, Legionella, damaged plumbing, lost property values and paying for water only fit, as one said, to flush toilets.

The devaluation of Flint, mostly poor and African American, was evident when the EPA made the decision not to provide financial aid for buying filters because then other cities would demand them and Flint was not "the kind of community we want to go out on a limb for."

Children were being poisoned by lead in the city water lines. Dr. Hanna-Attisha studied the records of children treated at Hurley Medical Center in Flint and discovered a rise in blood-lead levels in 27,000 children. There is no 'cure' for the damage from lead poisoning.

In 2016, Governor Snyder admitted, "Government failed you--federal, state, and local leaders--by breaking the trust you placed in us. I am sorry most of all that I let you down. You deserve better." High ranking Michigan officials have legal immunity.

A class-action lawsuit did settle a deal which included $87 million for Flint to locate and replace water lines by 2020 at no cost to the homeowners. Criminal investigations brought indictments of authorities who had falsified or buried information or obstructed investigations.

Before Flint, Washington, D.C. struggled with lead in their water. Another predominately African American community was allowed to be poisoned for years before the issue was addressed.

Two American cities have been proactive about removing lead water pipes, Madison, WS and Lansing, MI. Lansing had the advantage of a city-owned system, The Board of Water and Light, and was able to completely overhaul the system, removing all lead pipes. Mayor Virge Bernero said, "...the poor suffer the most...the rich can insulate themselves...they can move out...Though ultimately, when we have a complete and utter infrastructure one is safe."

Recently, the distribution of bottled water to Flint was ended. The water lead levels have been brought to standards. But the residents no longer trust the authorities to protect them.

Nestle', who draws Michigan spring water for $200 a year for resale will provide several months of water to Flint. Actors Will and Jaden Smith have been providing water to Flint.

Flint is not the only city with lead pipes. And I shudder to consider what lies ahead if we are not able to address the aging infrastructure of America.

I received a free ebook from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

The Poisoned City: Flint's Water and the American Urban Tragedy
by Anna Clark
Henry Holt & Company
Pub Date 10 Jul 2018
ISBN 9781250125149
PRICE $30.00 (USD)

Monday, July 9, 2018

All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin: A Mother's Crisis of Values, Familial Ties, and Sympathetic Understanding

"Finch is either completely innocent or a total sociopath. He's either more like his mother or exactly like his father. I have no clue which one it is, but I will find out." from All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin

There is a reason that Emily Giffin's novel All We Ever Wanted is on the bestseller list immediately upon publication. She is a fine writer who delivers defined characters caught in a complicated knot of the "he said, she said" variety, and rolls out the plot so the reader is hooked and, as the story progresses, can't resist being sucked into the current of ever-deepening revelations.

She incorporates issues of #Me Too, class, and race into the central story, along with youth issues of social media and peer pressure, so the novel feels relevant.

The plot revolves around Finch Bowning, just accepted into Princeton, whose family is extremely wealthy. His mother Nina came from modest roots, while his father Kirk was from one of Nashville's elite even before he became even wealthier. They seem to have everything.

Then there is Lyla, raised by her single father Tom. Lyla is on scholarship at a private school where kids like Finch are clearly from another world.

Then at a party one night, a photograph is taken and circulated, bringing crisis into all their lives.

Nina's own experience offers her insight into Lyla's situation and she wants justice for Lyla. Nina must consider the values her husband has brought into their family, where money is more important than people and anything can be bought. She is forced to evaluate her entire life as she seeks to walk the fine line between what is right and the bonds of family.

I had not read Giffin before and was very pleased with this book.

I won an ARC through LibraryThing.

Read an excerpt at

All We Ever Wanted
Emily Giffin
Hardcover | $28.00
Published by Ballantine Books
Publication June 26, 2018
ISBN 9780399178924

Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Norma Conquest by Warren Adler

The Norma Conquest by Warren Adler finds an unlovable underdog and agitator winning her last battle.

Norma is homeless and dying but there's a dance in the old dame yet, or at least one last battle.

A rich real estate tycoon has plans to revive a historic building into an arts center, but Norma lives at the homeless shelter in the building. She and the other elderly down-on-their-luck ladies have created a community. This is their home. Norma does what she has always done: gather the troops, raise the banner, and stand up for the downtrodden.

Norma protested at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago where she was impregnated by a nameless Scandinavian. It was always just Norma and Jenny until Jenny rejected her mom's ideals.

Jenny has become a successful and wealthy businesswoman. She is told that her mother is homeless and ill. It has been years since Jenny has seen her mother and she is shocked at her physical decline. Norma won't take Jenny's help and resists seeing a doctor. To Norma, Jenny is a sell-out.

The tycoon, known as Doc, meets with Norma and Jenny, hoping to appease the women with a nicer shelter. Norma is adamant she is not leaving her home. They have rights, Norma insists.

The vile businessmen and lawyers who work for Doc, even the lady who runs the shelter, all call Norma by labels from pushy, Jew girl, loud, and bitch to bleeding heart, communist, and troublemaker.

Millions are at stake. Things get complicated with Doc falls hard for Jenny. And in the end, Norma's conquest changes all their lives.

I appreciated the story of an elderly woman standing her ground and making a difference. The comedic ending is quite fun.

I received a free ebook from the publisher in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

Read about Warren Adler and his view of older people's contributions to society at

Read about Adler as a self-publishing pioneer at

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Red, White and Blue Quilts

For the Fourth of July I am sharing some red, white and blue quilts.
Some day I may finish Little Hazel by Esther Alui or at least turn the center block into a quilt. I do love these reproduction fabrics!

In the early 1990s I made a red, white, and blue signature quilt for an exchange student from Russia.
Vintage embroidery patterns from 1976 inspired Bicentennial Memories.
The Presidents Quilt by Michael J. Buckingham and published by AQS was how I learned embroidery. I added borders of additional redwork patterns.
I added several First Ladies to the Presidents Quilt, which inspired me to design and make Remember the Ladies.
Vintage political handkerchiefs and linen towels were added to Dustin Cecil's pieced Giddyup block to make Gridlock.
It won 'Most Humorous' in my guild's quilt show.

I made the John Quincy Adams quilt for a traveling exhibit created by Sue Reich; the quilts also appeared in her book Quilts Presidential and Patriotic.

My husband's great-grandmother made this Turkey red and white Single Wedding Ring quilt about 100 years ago.