Things our moms really ordered in 1962! I love the small ads in the back of magazines. These are from March 1962 Family Circle. Still lots to mine from that issue.
People were wearing thong shoes back in '62.
Blue Willow dishes could be found in many homes.
Round playing cards did not take the world by storm.
Circus tumblers were plastic.
So were the "authentic" OJ cups.
But what did the suburban mom do with the Easter chicks?
Maybe this is why Mom bought La Choy the first time. She served us this canned "Chinese" food and no one really was impressed. Especially Dad. Then, none of us had ever eaten Chinese food before so we did not know how bad it really was.
The Battle of the Bulge was won in Europe with this mysterious discovery.
The corset made a come back, much to CoCo Chanel's dismay.
Quilting and needlework patterns.