Monday, March 22, 2021

Eternal by Lisa Scottoline

Lisa Scottoline first drew my attention with her legal thrillers set in Philadelphia; they became a nostalgic read recollecting our fifteen years in that city. Scottoline expanded into stories inspired by social issues, and now with a new publisher, has written her first historical fiction novel about a time and place that has intrigued her for decades: Italy under the fascist dictatorship of Mussolini. 

She has incorporated events that few remember, and for that, I have to commend her. She obviously did her research and her passion shows.

Three best friends in Rome are challenged when the two boys, Marco and the Jewish Sandro, fall in love with the girl, Elisabetta. The early part of the novel reads like a young adult romance, teenagers learning to deal with their new feelings and the problems entailed. All three families are ardent supporters of the Fascist government, and all three families have deep roots in Rome. But there are family secrets to be revealed.

The plot becomes more intense when Mussolini aligns with Hitler and brings anti-Semite laws to Italy; the families begin to doubt the government. Marco's family is torn apart, Sandro's faces the loss of everything they have built, and Elisabetta finds herself alone and fending for herself, torn between her two best friends vying for her love.

It is interesting to see how each individual must decide between loyalty to country and leader and their moral conscience and religious beliefs. Mussolini proclaimed that he was always right, and extolled duty and loyalty to him.

My Goodreads friends have rated the novel highly, drawn in by the plot line and the love story. You will see glowing reviews across media. The finale is heart-rending.

I love Scottoline. She is a great person and has given me hours of entertainment. But...I am sorry to say, I do not love this book. I did not love the writing. I felt the characters were flat and their growth without meaningful development. The dialogue was sadly cliched. 

Because the violence  and sexual content is handled delicately, I could recommend the book to young adult readers as well as to the general reader of historical or women's fiction. And again, I commend the author for bringing to readers a time period that can give insight into our contemporary political issues. 

I received a free egalley from the publisher through NetGalley. My review is fair and unbiased.

Click on the titles to see the previous books I reviewed by Scottoline:

by Lisa Scottoline
G.P. Putnam's Sons
Pub Date March 23, 2021 
ISBN: 9780525539766
hardcover $28.00 (USD)

from then publisher

#1 bestselling author Lisa Scottoline offers a sweeping and shattering epic of historical fiction fueled by shocking true events, the tale of a love triangle that unfolds in the heart of the creeping shadow of fascism.

What war destroys, only love can heal.

Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro grow up as the best of friends despite their differences. Elisabetta is a feisty beauty who dreams of becoming a novelist; Marco the brash and athletic son in a family of professional cyclists; and Sandro a Jewish mathematics prodigy, kind-hearted and thoughtful, the son of a lawyer and a doctor. Their friendship blossoms to love, with both Sandro and Marco hoping to win Elisabetta's heart. But in the autumn of 1937, all of that begins to change as Mussolini asserts his power, aligning Italy's Fascists with Hitler's Nazis and altering the very laws that govern Rome. In time, everything that the three hold dear--their families, their homes, and their connection to one another--is tested in ways they never could have imagined.

As anti-Semitism takes legal root and World War II erupts, the threesome realizes that Mussolini was only the beginning. The Nazis invade Rome, and with their occupation come new atrocities against the city's Jews, culminating in a final, horrific betrayal. Against this backdrop, the intertwined fates of Elisabetta, Marco, Sandro, and their families will be decided, in a heartbreaking story of both the best and the worst that the world has to offer.

Unfolding over decades, Eternal is a tale of loyalty and loss, family and food, love and war--all set in one of the world's most beautiful cities at its darkest moment. This moving novel will be forever etched in the hearts and minds of readers.

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